Details for Recurring Events:
Lauds - Monday to Friday, join us for Lauds (Morning Prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours). Download the free iBreviary app to follow along. We'll help!
- 7:00pm - Holy Mass at St. Michael Church next door (80 University Avenue West)
- A Student Mass on a student schedule!
- Please contact us if you'd like to help as a lector, altar server, or Welcome Team member
- 7:30am - Lauds in the JP2SC Chapel (see description below)
- Lauds is followed by light continental breakfast and quality family time in the Student Centre Kitchen.
- Noon - Angelus followed by Rosary
- 7:30am - Lauds in the JP2SC Chapel (see description below)
- Lauds is followed by light continental breakfast and quality family time in the Student Centre Kitchen.
- Noon - Angelus followed by Rosary
- 7:00pm - Holy Mass at St. Michael Church next door (80 University Avenue West)
- 7:30pm to 8:30pm - Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at St. Michael Church next door
- Adoration begins immediately after Mass
- Adoration concludes with Compline (Night Prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours) and Solemn Benediction.
- Click here for the PDF to follow along with Adoration and Compline.
- 7:30am - Lauds in the JP2SC Chapel (see description below)
- 8:00am - Holy Mass in the JP2SC Chapel
- Mass is followed by light continental breakfast and quality family time in the Student Centre Kitchen.
- Noon - Angelus followed by Rosary
- 6:00pm - Family Dinner in the Student Centre
- Have dinner with your family (that's us).
- 7:00pm - The Forge in the Student Centre
- Our main Faith formation program. Usually a talk with discussion. Plus possibly dessert.
- 7:30am - Lauds in the JP2SC Chapel (see description below)
- 8:00am - Holy Mass in the JP2SC Chapel
- Mass is followed by light continental breakfast and quality family time in the Student Centre Kitchen.
- Noon - Angelus followed by Rosary
- 7:30am - Lauds in the JP2SC Chapel (see description below)
- 8:00am - you are invited to participate in Holy Mass at St. Michael Church next door (80 University Avenue West).
- After Mass, return here for a light continental breakfast and quality family time in the Student Centre Kitchen.
- Noon - Angelus followed by Rosary
- 1:00pm - Bible Intake at the Student Centre.
- 7:00pm - Women's and Men's Group
- Join other students on your journey of faith.
Details for Recurring Events:
Lauds - Monday to Friday, join us for Lauds (Morning Prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours). Download the free iBreviary app to follow along. We'll help!