The St. John Paul II Student Centre is a ministry of the Diocese of Hamilton to post-secondary students in Waterloo. We serve the students, staff, and faculty of Wilfrid Laurier University, the University of Waterloo, and Conestoga College. Like a family, we are here to accompany and strengthen you in our shared life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ!
Chaplain: Fr. Pawel Jamroz
Email: [email protected] Phone: 519 884 9311 ex. 27 A greeting from our Chaplain, Father Jamroz |
Faith FormationLife's meaning, true joy and fulfillment are found in Jesus Christ. Our chaplaincy seeks to inspire and equip you for a deeper relationship with Christ and an authentic and vigorous proclamation of the Gospel.
Our Wednesday evening (7pm) formation program "The Forge" consists of talks, Bible studies, and discussions that facilitate this deepening of your faith. Be sure to check out our Special Events page for additional faith formation activities, including regular retreats and special liturgical occasions. "As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, continue to live your lives in him..." Col 2:7 |
FellowshipWe are your Catholic family, and the Centre is your home away from home. We're open throughout the week for you to just drop in, study, socialize, vent, gain and provide support, have a snack.
On Wednesday at 6:00pm, we even have "Family Dinner" - home-cooked meals shared by the whole Catholic student community. There are other social gatherings and fellowship opportunities as well. "Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them." Matt 18:20 |
WorshipEach Sunday at 7pm,
we offer our Student Mass, the source and summit of our Christian life together. Monday to Friday at 7:30am, we pray Lauds (Morning Prayer) followed by Mass (Wednesday and Thursday at 8am) and a light continental breakfast in the St. Martha Kitchen. Tuesdays at 7pm, we come to the church for Mass and our evening Holy Hour of Adoration (7:30pm) before the Blessed Sacrament. At the end of the Adoration we pray the Compline (the Night Prayer) led by one of the students. "They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers." Acts 2:42 |